Visualizing Data with Composite Tests

In this tutorial we’ll set up a test list that uses an uploaded text file to fit a line to some data, and plot the data as well as the best fit line.

The csv file we’ll be using looks like this:


and our goal is to upload this file, fit a line, and record the slope and intercept of the line. Save the data file for later.

To accomplish this, we need to set up a test list with three tests:

  1. An Upload test that will parse the data from the file, fit the line, and generate the plot using matplotlib.
  2. A Composite test to record the slope of the line.
  3. A Composite test to record the intercept of the line.

Configuring the Tests

Navigate to the admin section of the site and click on the Tests item in the QC section.

Tests admin link

Tests admin link

Now click on the Add Test button at the top right of the next page:

Add test button

Add test button

Then fill out the Test fields as follows:

  • Name: Data upload

  • Macro name: data_upload

  • Category: (pick any available category, or add a new one)

  • Type: File Upload

  • Display image: Make sure this is checked so that our plot will be visible

  • Calculation procedure:

    import matplotlib
    import matplotlib.figure
    import numpy as np"seaborn")
    # read the data and put the x, y values in xs, ys
    xs = []
    ys = []
    for line in FILE:
        x, y = map(float, line.strip().split(","))
    # polyfit of degree 1 can be used to fit line
    slope, intercept = np.polyfit(xs, ys, 1)
    # calculate some datapoints of the line of best fit for display
    fit_ys = [slope*x + intercept for x in xs]
    # plot the data
    fig = UTILS.get_figure()
    axes = fig.gca() # gca == get_current_axes
    axes.plot(xs, ys, 'o', label="Raw data")
    axes.plot(xs, fit_ys, label="Best fit line")
    # use QATrack+ UTILS to save the plot as an image
    UTILS.write_file("fit_line.png", axes)
    # set the final result which can be used by other composite tests
    data_upload = {'slope': slope, 'intercept': intercept}

This should look similar to:

Upload data test config

Upload data test config

Once you have that complete click Save and add another and create another Test:

  • Name: Slope

  • Macro name: slope

  • Category: (pick any available category, or add a new one)

  • Type: Composite

  • Calculation procedure:

    slope = data_upload['slope']

And again click Save and add another and create the final Test:

  • Name: Intercept

  • Macro name: intercept

  • Category: (pick any available category, or add a new one)

  • Type: Composite

  • Calculation procedure:

    intercept = data_upload['intercept']

Then click Save

Settting up the Test List

Navigate back to the Home or QC page of the Admin area and then create a new Test List by clicking the Test List link in the QC section and then clicking the Add Test List button.

Give your test list the name Line fit example or similar, then in the Test List Members section, click on the magnifying class next to the first Test box:

Find a Test for your Test List

Find a Test for your Test List

and then select the Upload Data test:

Select a Test for your Test List

Select a Test for your Test List

Do the same for the Slope and Intercept tests:

All tests selected

All tests selected

Then click Save.

Assigning the Test List to a Unit

Navigate back to the Home or QC page of the Admin area and then assign the Test List by clicking the Assign Test Lists to Units link in the QC section and then click the Add Unit Test Collection button at the top right.

Fill out the required fields:

  • Select a Unit from the Unit drop down
  • Select a Group from the Assigned To drop down
  • Choose one or more Groups (your user must be part of one of the groups) in the Visible to control
  • Select test list in the Test List or Test List Cycle drop down
  • Finally select the Line fit (or whatever you called it!) Test List in the Tests collection field.
Assign Test List to Unit

Assign Test List to Unit

Now click Save and Continue Editing which will bring you back to the same page. You can then click View on site to perform the Test List

View on Site

View on Site

Performing the Test List

Click the Upload button in the Data Upload column and select the file you saved earlier.

Upload button

Upload button

If everything was set up correctly you should see the following:

Performed Test List

Performed Test List

You can now submit your results!