Authentication Backends

QATrack+ has a few different methods of authenticating users:

  • The built in Django backend. No additional configuration is required but users and their group memberships need to be managed manually.
  • Active Directory. Use your hospitals AD system for managing users and groups.
  • Active Directory Federiation Services. Use your hospitals AD FS system for managing users and groups.

Active Directory

Using an existing Active Directory server to do your user authentication is a great way to simply the management of users for your QATrack+ system. It’s especially convenient for your users that they don’t have to remember “yet another password” and can simply use their network logon. QATrack+ comes with an Active Directory backend and it’s configuration will be described below.

Installation of python-ldap


If you happen to be on a Windows system with Visual Studio installed, you should just be able to do pip install python-ldap and have the latest version of the pyldap package installed. Otherwise, there are binaries available on this page: Download the binary relevant to your Python 3 installation (e.g. python_ldap‑3.3.1‑cp36‑cp36m‑win_amd64.whl) and then pip install it:

pip install C:\path\to\python_ldap‑3.3.1‑cp36‑cp36m‑win_amd64.whl

To confirm your installation is working, activate your virtual env

cd C:\deploy
python -c "import ldap; print(ldap.__version__)"

If that commands prints the ldap version then ldap is installed correctly.


There are some pre-requisistes that need to be installed before python-ldap.

At the time of writing on Ubuntu this looks like:

sudo apt-get install build-essential python3-dev python2.7-dev \
    libldap2-dev libsasl2-dev slapd ldap-utils

source ~/venvs/qatrack3/bin/activate
pip install python-ldap

See for more details.

Configuring QATrack+ to use your Active Directory Server

Copy the following lines to your file:

# Authentication backend settings

# active directory settings (not required if only using ModelBackend

# If using non-SSL use these
AD_LDAP_URL = 'ldap://%s:%s' % (AD_DNS_NAME, AD_LDAP_PORT)

# If using SSL use these:
# AD_LDAP_URL='ldaps://%s:%s' % (AD_DNS_NAME,AD_LDAP_PORT)

AD_CERT_FILE = None  # AD_CERT_FILE='/path/to/your/cert.txt'

AD_SEARCH_DN = "dc=yourdomain,dc=yourhospital,dc=com"
AD_NT4_DOMAIN = "YOURDOMAIN"  # Network domain that AD server is part of

AD_SEARCH_FIELDS = ['mail', 'givenName', 'sn', 'sAMAccountName', 'memberOf']

AD_DEBUG_FILE = "C:/deploy/qatrackplus/logs/ad_log.txt"
AD_DEBUG = False # set to True and restart QATrack+ CherryPy Service if you need to debug AD Connection

You will also obviously have to modify AD_DNS_NAME1, `AD_SEARCH_DN and AD_NT4_DOMAIN to suit your own Active Directory setup. The complete set of Active Directory settings are described here: Active Directory Settings.

After you have saved that file, you will need to restart your application server (or for example your CherryPy service).

Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS)

As of version 3.1.0 comes with an ADFS backend for Single Sign On (SSO). This can provide a convenient way for your users to log into QATrack+ using their hospital network login.

There are two backends you can potentially use for using ADFS for SSO. There is the raw django_adfs.backends.AdfsAuthCodeBackend which you can read more about at and there is the qatrack.accounts.backends.QATrackAdfsAuthCodeBackend which is a wrapper around the AdfsAuthCodeBackend with some QATrack+ specific functionality added. In order to enable one of these backends you need to set your AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS setting like:

    # or comment above and uncomment below
    # 'django_adfs.backends.AdfsAuthCodeBackend'

Configuring your ADFS Server

Please see the following guides to configure your ADFS Server to allow access for QATrack+:

Configuring QATrack+ to use ADFS

Copy the following lines to your file:


# AD FS settings.
    "SERVER": "",
    "CLIENT_ID": "qatrackplus",
    "AUDIENCE": "",
        "first_name": "given_name",
        "last_name": "family_name",
        "email": "email"
    "USERNAME_CLAIM": "winaccountname",
    "GROUPS_CLAIM": "group",

If you require a different configuration for some reason, more options and settings are described in

Mapping Active Directory Groups to QATrack+ Groups

You can have your users automatically added to one or more QATrack+ groups based on their Active Directory Group memberships. For more information on configuring this see Active Directory Group to QATrack+ Groups Map.