Review and Approval of Test List Instances

After a Test List is submitted, every Test Instance in QATrack+ is assigned a Status that indicates what type of data the test is and whether or not it requires further review. If any Test Instance within a Test List Instance is assigned a Status which requires review, then the Test List Instance is placed in an Unreviewed Queue so that periodically a physicist may manually review and approve the QA data being generated. (It is also possible to skip the Unreviewed Queue and manual review step using Auto Review Rules).

Details on how to review QA data and/or update the status of a set of tests are given below.

Reviewing QA Data

The number of test lists with unreviewed tests is displayed at the top of every QATrack+ page (provided you have the permissions required to review data).

Unreviewed count is displayed at the top of every page

Unreviewed count is displayed at the top of every page

To review data, choose the Unreviewed option from the Review Data dropdown menu at the top of the page.

Unreviewed menu option

Unreviewed menu option

You will then be presented with a list of QA sessions awaiting review. This list can be filtered/sorted by unit, frequency, date or user.

Click on the Review button of the QA session that you want to review and you can then change the status of the tests as described below.

Unreviewed listing

Unreviewed listing

Repeat those steps for all the QA sessions that you would like to review.

Changing the status of test data

On the following page select the status you would like to apply to the tests from the dropdown menu at the top. Click the checkmark next to the dropdown to apply that status to all the tests in the list (Test statuses can also be set individually.) Click the Update Test Statuses to save your changes to the database.

Updating test statuses

Updating test statuses

If all the Test Instances were assigned a Status that does not require review, than the Test List Instance will be removed from the Unreviewed Queue.