Test Packs (Experimental feature)

In order to facilitate the sharing of test lists between different QATrack+ installations (e.g. to allow separate clinics to share test list configurations) QATrack+ allows users to export/import “Test Packs” which include complete definitions of Tests, TestLists, and/or TestListCycles.


This is currently an experimental feature and will be expanded and improved in future versions of QATrack+. A site for publicly sharing test pack configurations is planned so that centres around the world can share some or all of their test configurations.

Exporting a test pack

In order to export a test pack, go to the main admin site and click on Export Test Pack (or visit /qa/admin/export_testpack/ directly).

On the next screen, you can select all of the TestLists, TestListCycles, and extra Tests that you want to include in your TestPack. Note, selecting a TestList will automatically include all the relevant Tests and SubLists required for the TestList.


After you have selected the items you want to include, enter a name (the name must consist only of letters, numbers, underscores and hyphens) and brief description on the right hand side of the page and click Download.


You can now share this TestPack file with colleagues and they can import the test configuration to their own system.

Importing a test pack

If you have a Test Pack file you want to import, go to the main admin site and click on Import Test Pack (or visit /qa/admin/import_testpack/ directly).

On the next screen, click the “Choose File…” button on the right hand side of the page and select your Test Pack file. Use the tables to select the Test Lists, Test List Cycles, or individual tests you want to import and then click the Import button on the right.


Note if there is a naming conflict between an existing test name (or test list/test list cycle slug), and a test being imported, QATrack+ will append a numeral to the name so that existings tests (test lists/test list cylces) will not be overwritten.